Poromiel is one of the two kingdoms in the current Known World. The demonym is Poromish. Poromiel is known for their gryphons and their fliers.
Located between the Barrens and Navarre, The kingdom of Poromiel is mostly made up of arid grasslands and marshlands. Its primary resources include unique textiles, endless fields of grain, and unique crystalline gems capable of amplifying minor magics. It is made up of three provinces.[1]
The southern province bordering Tyrrendor and Elsum at the Cliffs of Dralor and Esben Mountains.[1]
- Cordyn - city on the southern coast of the Krovlan Province.[2] It's the third largest Poromish city.[3]
- Draithus - Krovla's second most populous city.[4]
- Pavis - A town located an hour's flight east from Draithus.[5]
- Resson - A small village just beyond the border of Poromiel, Resson serves as both a home to roughly 300 civilians and a key trading post.[1]
The central province. The Esben Mountains are a natural border between Navarre.[1]
- Anca - The city was drained by Venin following the capture of Zolya (fall of 634 AU), and left abandoned.
- Zolya - the second most populous city in Braevick and home to the Cliffsbane Flight Academy. at the foot of the Esben Mountains along the Stonewater River. It's a four hour flight from Navarre's border. The city has fallen to Venin in the fall of 634 AU.
The northern province. The Esben Mountains are a natural border between Navarre.[1]
The Kingdom of Poromiel has been at war with the Kingdom of Navarre for the last four hundred years. Unlike Navarre, when the Kingdom of Poromiel was formed, the provinces maintained their unique cultural identities. Someone from Cygnisen is more likely to identify as Cygni than Poromish.[6]
The Trade Agreement of Resson was signed more than two hundered years ago, and it ensures the exchange of meat and lumber from Navarre for the cloth and agriculture of Poromiel four times a year at the Athebyne outpost.[1]