The Empyrean Wiki

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The Empyrean Wiki
The Empyrean Wiki

Braevick is a province that lies in the center of Poromiel.


Braevick is the central province of Poromiel, bordered by Krovla to the south and Cygnisen to the north. It is also bordered by the Barrens to the east and the Navarrian province of Elsum to the west.

It is made up primarily of arid grasslands and marshlands, and borders the Esben Mountains to the west.[1] Running along the eastern border with the Barrens is the Dunness River.[2] The land here contains stones that have had their magic drained by venin.[3] The Stonewater River runs along through the southern region, from the Esben Mountains to the Bay of Malek.[2]

Cities within the province include Zolya, Anca, and Suniva. Zolya houses the Cliffsbane Flight Academy which trains gryphon fliers.[2]


Due to it's long border with the Barrens, most venin attacks are saturated in the province of Braevick. The city of Zolya fell to a venin attack sometime between July and September of 634 AU.[4] Shortly after, the city of Anca also fell, but was left abandoned when the venin returned to Zoyla.[5]

Notable Locations[]


The second-most populous and the third largest city in the Braevick province.[2][4] It is situated at the foot of the Esben mountains, along the Stonewater River, and is a four-hour flight from Navarre's border.[4] The city was home to Cliffsbane Flight Academy, Poromiel's gryphon flier training institute.[1] It was fallen to a venin attack[4] and used as home base for venin to train initiates.[5]

Cliffsbane Flight Academy[]

An academy within Zolya where gryphon fliers are trained.[2] After the venin destroyed Zolya, they occupied the academy.[3] The cadets evacuated to the city of Cordyn until the revolution agreed to train and house them in Aretia in exchange for Viscount Tecarus' luminary.


A town located near the city of Zolya. It was overtaken by venin shortly after the fall of Zolya.[5] It was home to a member of the first gryphon drift, Amelia. After being occupied by venin, it was burned down by Aura Bienhaven by accident.[6]


Located in the North, Suniva was home to the seat of power of Poromiel, Queen Maraya.[7] It has since fallen to dark wielders.[8]






  1. 1.0 1.1 Fourth Wing, Chapter 2
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Iron Flame, Chapter 2
  3. 3.0 3.1 Iron Flame, Chapter 41
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Iron Flame, Chapter 25
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Iron Flame, Chapter 38
  6. Onyx Storm, Chapter 19
  7. Onyx Storm, Chapter 13
  8. Onyx Storm, Chapter 43